Fine Art Prints

Fine Art Prints
High quality reproductions of a Real Flower Jewelry art pieces, are printed on 100% Giclee Archival Cotton Rag Watercolor "Elegance" Fine Art Textured Paper, and captures a piece of Hawaii that will last for over 100 years without aging. Signed and numbered by the artist. Available in 2 sizes - 3.50" x 5.00" and 7.00" x 10.00"

All sales final. This item is sent USPS with Free shipping included within the USA. Please allow 7 days for delivery. (Other countries please inquire about additional shipping charges.)
3.50" x 5.00" Prints
Buy 6 and save: $9.00 Use Code: AP6S at checkout

Buy 12 and save: $34.08 Use Code: AP125 at checkout

7.00" x 10.00" Prints
Buy 6 and save: $15.00 Use Code: AP6L at checkout

Buy 12 and save: $48.00 Use Code: AP12L at checkout

NOTE: The Discount is applied in the final step of the checkout.

Floral Art Prints
+1( 808) 854 5609