Hawaiian War Clubs by
Manny Mattos - Native Hawaiian Artist

Hawaiian War Clubs by Manny Mattos - Native Hawaiian Artist
Hawaiian War Clubs by Manny Mattos - Native Hawaiian Artist
Item# Hawaiian_War_Clubs

Product Description

Hawaiian War Clubs by Manny Mattos - Native Hawaiian Artist


I have been making Hawaiian War Clubs “lei-o-mano” for about 8 years. My father, who has been making Hawaiian war clubs for approximately 20 years, inspired me to learn more about my Hawaiian culture.

After doing tons of research, I found the making and history of Hawaiian war clubs quite fascinating. My work is primarily ancient style, using real sharks teeth on Hawaiian endemic wood.

Types of wood: Koa, ‘ili’ ahi (sandalwood) and Milo.

Type of sharks teeth: Bull and tiger.

Phone - (808) 966-7338