Metal Prints

Metal Prints
High quality giclee reproductions of a Real Flower Jewelry art pieces, are baked into a 7.00" x 10.00" high gloss white aluminum metal art piece. Intended to reproduce photography in a rigid media substrate, this item captures a piece of Hawaii that will last for over 100 years without aging. Signed and numbered by the artist.

All sales final. This item is sent USPS with Free shipping included within the USA. Please allow 7 days for delivery. (Other countries please inquire about additional shipping charges.)

Buy 6 and save: $60.00 Use Code: MP6 at checkout

Buy 12 and save: $228.00 Use Code: MP12 at checkout

NOTE: The Discount is applied in the final step of the checkout.

Floral Art Prints
+1( 808) 854 5609